1292 Brunei destroyed by earthquake.

1521 Spaniards under Pigafetta visit Brunei.

1526 Portuguese under Jorge Menezes visit Brunei.

1530 Portuguese under Gonsavo Pereira visit Brunei.

1576 Francesco la Sande, Governor of the Philippines, installs Sri Lela as Sultan of Brunei.

1580 Bruneis defeat Spaniards, depose of Sri Lela and restore Saif al Rajah as Sultan.

1600 Dutch under Oliver van Noort visit Brunei.

1645 Spaniards sack Brunei.

1691 Roman Catholic Mission in Brunei.

1762 Sir William Draper releases Sultan Mumin from prison in Manila and restores him.

1775 Hon'ble East India Co. established in Brunei.

1796 Rajah Api seizes the Brunei throne.

4.1803 James Brooke born.

1819 Raffles founds Singapore.

1828 Rajah Api murdered and succeeded by Sultan Omar Ali Saifudin 11.

3. 6.1829 Charles Brooke born.

1837 Sarawak insurrection against Brunei.

1838 Sarawak insurgents appeal to Batavia for help.

5. 8.1839 James Brooke visits Sarawak.

9. 8.1840 James Brooke returns to Sarawak.

20.12.1840 Berlidah captured.

.4. 9.184 Rajah Muda Hassim hands over the Government of Sarawak to James Brooke.

10. 1.1842 First code of laws published by James Brooke.

1. 8.1842 James Brooke proclaimed Rajah of Sarawak at Brunei.

18. 9.1842 Installation of James Brooke as Rajah in Kuching.

12. 6.1843 Taking of Paku.

15. 6.1843 Taking of Rimbas.

5. 7.1843 Visit of H.M.S. Samnrang to Sarawak.

25. 7.1843 Sir Henry Keppel arrives with H.M.S. Dido and H.E.I.C.S. Phlegethon.

20. 1.1844 Great fire in Kuching.

8. 8.1844 Sherip Sahap attacked and Patusan taken.

29. 8.1844 Pengiran Mahkota captured at Lingga.

1. 2.1845 James Brooke appointed H.M. confidential agent in Borneo.

30. 4.1845 James Brooke visits Saiikei in H.E.I.C.S. Phlegethon.

31.12.1845 Murder of Rajah Muda Hassim and Pengiran Badruddin in Brunei.

8. 7.1846 James Brooke captures Brunei.

16. 8.1846 Membakut taken.

22. 8.1846 Sultan Omar Ali submits to James Brooke.

23. 8.1846 Territory between the Sadong and Oya Rivers ceded to James Brooke.

1847 Population of Kuching reported to be 8,000.

16. 3.1847 James Brooke appointed H.M. Commissioner and Consul General for Borneo.

1848 Establishment of S.P.G. Mission school in Kuching.

21. 9.1848 Sarawak flag first hoisted.

22. 5.1848 James Brooke received by Queen Victoria and knighted K.C.B.

27.11.1848 Sir James Brooke appointed Governor of Labuan and its ependencies. I

31. 7.1849 Battle of Beting Maru.

26. 4.1850 Rentap defeats and kills Lee at Skrang.

12. 7.1850 Hume's motion of censure on Sir James Brooke.

24.10.1850 Recognition of Sarawak by the U.S.A.

22. 1.1851 Consecration of St. Thomas's Church, Kuching.

10. 7.1851 Hume moves for commission on Battle of Beting Mani.

21. 7.1852 Charles Brooke arrives in Sarawak.

‑ 4.1854 Dandi Expedition.

8.1854 Defeat of Rentap at Sungai Lang.

9.1854 Commission of Enquiry on Battle of Beting Maru opens in Singapore.

‑ 10.1854 Alfred Russel Wallace visits Sarawak.

17.10.1855 First meeting of the Supreme Council in Kuching,

18.10.1855 Dr. McDougall consecrated Bishop of Labuan.

4. 1.1856 Sarikei burned by the Julau Dayaks.

5.1856 The Borneo Company Limited registered.

19. 6.1856 Attack on Julau by Charles Brooke.

20. 2.1857 Chinese insurrection in Kuching.

2. 6.1857 First Sadok Expedition against Rentap. 1858 Fort Lili established at Betong.

‑ 4.1858 Expedition against Saji.

14. 7.1858 Betong Fort captured by Saji.

‑ 8.1858 Second Sadok Expedition against Rentap. 1859 Fort Emma established at Kanowit.

7. 6.1859 Kanowit Fort captured by Dayak insurgents.

‑ 7.1859 Kabah Expedition