2.1860 Sherip Masshor attacked at Sadong.

15. 4.1860 Sherip Masshor defeated at Igan.

31. 7.1860 Charles Brooke's attack on Mukah frustrated by Governor Edwardes of Labuan.

1. 7.1861 Sir James Brooke recovers Mukah and deports Sherip Masshor.

8.1861 Nyalong attacked.

11. 8.1861 Coast as far as Kidurong ceded to Sir James Brooke.

28.10.1861 Third Sadok Expedition and final defeat of Rentap.

1862 Fort Brooke established at Sibu.

23. 5.1862 Defeat of the Illanun pirates off Bintulu.

15. 5.1863 The Great Kayan Expedition.

27. 9.1863 Sir James Brooke finally leaves Sarawak and
appoints Charles Brooke his deputy.

1864 Fort Alice built at Simanggang.

19. 1.1864 Britain recognises Sarawak as an independent state and appoints G.
T. Ricketts consul.

4.1865 First Meeting of the Council Negri.

﷓ 6.1865 Visits of Dr. Odoardo Beccari.

1867 Opening of the Matang coffee estate.

1868 Fort Keppel built at Bintulu.

1868 First Katibas Expedition.

3. 8.1868 Charles Brooke proclaimed Rajah.

11. 6.1868 Sir James Brooke dies at Burrator, Devon.

7.1868 The Delok Expedition.

29.11.1868 Mukah Fort captured by the prisoners. I

1869 First issue of Sarawak stamps.

12. 4.1869 Last Illanun pirates exterminated off Kidurong.

18.12.1869 Suez Canal opened.

1870 St. Thomas's School built (on site of present St. Mary's).

1870 Government Chinese School opened at Paku, Bau.

13. 5.1870 Sibu Fort attacked by Lintong and Kanowit Dayaks.

﷓ 6.1870 Second Katibas Expedition.

26. 8.1870 First issue of the Sarawak Gazette.

11.10.1870 Installation of Rajah Charles Brooke.

1. 5.1871 Civil Marriage introduced.

﷓ 7.1871 Third Katibas Expedition.

15.12.1871 First census of Sarawak.

31.12.1871 Sarawak Budget balanced for the first time.

1872 Peak year of antimony production (3,285 tons).

31. 1.1872 Opening of the Sadong coal mine.

﷓﷓ 4.1872 Harvests fail throughout the Rejang.

17. 4.1872 Indigo introduced into Simanggang.

﷓ 5.1872 First Gambier and Pepper Proclamation.

1872 Gutta percha boom.

1872 Lighthouses on Tanjong Po and Tanjong Kidurong.

2. 7.1872 The Rajah visits Batu Gading and Lubok Bendera in Baram.

12. 8.1872 Kuching so named officially instead of Sarawak. j

2. 9.1.872 Sarawak Rangers formed.

19. 9.1872 Baroness Burdette﷓Coutts sells Quop Estate.

1.12.1872 Opening of the Rajah's Arms; first hotel in Kuching.

25. 2.1873 Government Salary Scales published.

1. 5.1873 Sarawak Chamber of Commerce established.

1. 6.1873 Residencies of the First, Second and Third Divisions established.

1.11.1873 Cholera epidemic in the Rejang.

16. 3.1874 Smallpox epidemic in the Rejang.

3. 6.1874 New Court House in Kuching opened.

﷓ 6.1874 Kayan insurgents expel the Bruneis from the Baram.

26. 9.1874 Charles Vyner Brooke born.

1. 7.1875 Sarawak Steamship Company formed.

5. 7.1875 Kapit Fort inaugurated by the Rajah.

10.1875 First Ulu Ai Expedition.

12.1875 Second Ulu Ai Expedition.

3. 1.1876 Second Gambier and Pepper Proclamation.

7.1876 Great smallpox epidemic in the Baram.

10.1876 Fourth Katibas Expedition.

1877 Thirty pikuls of pepper exported at $11 per pikul.

1877 Antimony output shrinks to 469 tons.

6.1877 Cholera epidemic.

26. 3.1878 Collection of specimens ordered for the Museum.

1878 Beginning of the gambier boom.

1878 Fort Charles established at Kabong.

1879 Sarawak dollar worth four shillings.

29. 4.1879 Expedition against Lang Endang.

11. 8.1879 Completion of road from Sungai Semengok to Quop.

1880 Fort Margherita built.

22. 4.1880 Door Tax raised from 80 cents to $1.

10. 8.1880 Para rubber first referred to in the Gazette.

11.11.1880 Chinese Immigration Proclamation.

1881 Bishop Hose plants the first three para rubber seeds.

9. 2.1881 First Bukit Batu Expedition.

18. 5.1881 Suai attacked by Dayak raiders.

1881 Borneo Company commences working gold at Bau.

21. 7.1881 Foundation of the Roman Catholic Mission in Kuching.

6. 9.1881 Second Bukit Batu Expedition.

1.11.1881 British North Borneo Company charter granted.

19. 6.1882 Cession of coast from Kidurong to Baram.

19. 7.1882 Foundation of Claude Town (Marudi).

1. 9.1882 Gazette refers to oil having been found in Miri a few years

1.11.1882 Lighthouse on Tanjong Sirik.

1.12.1882 Promulgation of Land Ordinance in final form.

1. 1.1883 Penrissen road opened to the eleventh mile.

21. 5.1883 First Government Malay School opened.

11. 8.1883 Council Negri decrees the abolition of slavery to

be effective in 1888.

27. 8.1883 Krakatau eruption.

13. 1.1884 Belaga Fort completed.

20. 1.1884 Most of Kuching Bazaar destroyed by fire.

9. 2.1884 Further oil discoveries at Miri.

3. 9.1884 Insurrection in Limbang against Bruneis.

1.10.1884 Reported flight of 2,000 Belaits and Tutongs to Baram.

21.10.1884 Mr. Consul Treacher makes peace between Bruneis and Limbangs.

1885 Present St. Thomas's School built.

3. 1.1885 Cession of Trusan.

28. 7.1885 Fourth Division established. (Kidurong to Baram and Trusan.)

﷓11.1885 Further insurrection in Limbang against Bruneis.

1886 Discovery of the Santubong rock carving.

﷓﷓ 3.1886 Expedition against Kedang.

1887 Fort Florence established at Trusan.

1888 Construction of Kuching General Hospital (now gaol).

﷓﷓ 6.1838 Rajah Charles created Knight Grand Cross Order of SS. Michael and

﷓ 6.1888 Great Cholera epidemic.

13. 6.1888 Britain guarantees Sarawak protection as an independent state.

27. 6.1888 Peace﷓making at Lubok Antu between Kapuas and Ulu Ai people.

﷓ 9.1888 Brunei becomes a British protectorate.

﷓ 9.1888 Rajah acquires Brooketon Colliery.

11. 1.1889 Sibu bazaar destroyed by fire.

1. 7.1889 Sarawak dollar worth two shillings and ten pence.

﷓ 9.1889 Smallpox epidemic.

The chronology of the following years is as yet incomplete.

17. 3.1890 The Rajah accepts the accession of Limbang.

2. 4.1890 B.C.L. gold works at Bidi opened.

3.10.1890 First race meeting in Kuching.

﷓ 8.1891 British Government recognises annexation of Limbang.

4. 8.1891 The Sarawak Museum opened.

1.11.1891 Consecration of St. Joseph's Church in Kuching.

10. 7.1891 Archduke Franz Ferdinand visits Kuching.


  1. Daniel Yiek // August 14, 2007 at 10:31 AM  

    Interesting history.

    Checkout Sarikei website at http://sarikei-time-capsule.blogspot.com/

    Pls forward to all Sarikei friends


  2. Simon Thomas // March 16, 2009 at 11:59 PM  


    Interesting chronology. However it is more beneficial if you could elaborate in short (at least) to share what was happening during that period.

    So the history lover and tracker could benefit from this website.

    Simon TJ
    History Lover
    Baram, Sarawak